Premise: A duo of Emissaries sent by the Holy Oracle track down the head of death cult and bring them to justice

Setting: Sevstra, a futuristic theocracy where the power of the gods can be felt. All citizens are granted a Favour from one of the gods, which grants each individual supernatural powers. The strength of a Favour depends on the individual's faith and creativity.


he/him, trans, gay

Military academy dropout who will do anything to prove his worth

Birthday: September 15
Home town: Ancrest, Westera
Personality: Sarcastic, Spiteful, Driven, Workaholic
Hobbies/Interests: Coffee, Archery, Camping
Skills: Great with animals, Great with a crossbow
Favour: Can summon a familiar that looks like his childhood dog, can create a bow and arrow, can create weak shield to protect people

ALWAYS give him his hearing aids. Or else he can't hear. Also always give him the little yellow squares in his eyes, its a visual sign of an optical tool to help caption conversations real time.

William is the workaholic incarnate. He is awful with people and would rather spend time with his dog. His blood is made of caffeine and he sees sleep as a waste of time. He has a raging inferiority complex. This guy needs therapy so bad it makes him look STUPID. While he has the God of Order as his patron, he carries very little Favour with him. He makes up for it with everything he possibly can and putting in 200% into everything.


he/him, cis, bisexual

Here for a good time, not a long time

Birthday: October 24
Home town: ???
Personality: Secretive, Dramatic, Impulsive, Laidback
Hobbies/Interests: Baking, Athleisure, Everyone's business
Skills: Blackmail, Extortion, and many other fun crimes
Favour: Can become invisible for a short time or enchant items to be invisible, luck manipulation

Concealing everything about his past. His government ID says his name is Bunjamin Bunnington. Yes, it is forged.

Information broker with clients on both sides of the law. Buns loves to sit on the side with popcorn while everyone else gets into messes for him to laugh at. With the God of Luck as his patron, Buns can manipulate luck to go his way, but he usually loves to roll with whatever punches are thrown at them. He'll sooner use his abilities to get into the worst situation ever for the hell of it. His knives also have a bunch of enchantments.


she/her, cis, lesbian

A fashionista who loves to be a hero

Birthday: July 23
Home town: Caskay, Luna
Personality: Haughty, Optimistic, Romantic, Playful
Hobbies/Interests: Blacksmithing, Harp, Painting, Fashion
Skills: Expert usage of her Favour, Bladework
Favour: Can manipulate the temperature of whatever she touches, including whatever touches the hilt of her sword, creating her signature ice rapier.

Lillian comes off strong, and if she thinks you're fun, she will never leave you alone. Obsessed with looking good, she will sacrifice almost all function for form. Lillian loves to play music with her fiance, loves creating metalwork for her god, and loves to paint! She's not the best painter, but she finds a lot of joy in the process. As an ooey gooey romantic, she is an absolute SIMP for her Reina.Lillian comes from a line of devout followers of the God of Creation and has a masterful understanding of the Favour she carries. She fights a lot like a Red Mage from Final Fantasy and functions mainly as a caster who can get in and get some good stabs in every now and then. She's resourceful and very quick thinking in combat.


she/her, ???, pansexual

A florist who loves her fiancee

Birthday: June 19
Home town: Ashcre, Westera
Personality: Mischievious, Intuitive, Warm
Hobbies/Interests: Singing, Embroidery, Bugs
Skills: Floral arrangements, Making Lillian flustered
Favour: Her singing soothes plants and helps them grow.

Reina is a florist and non combatant. She loves to tease her fiancee, Lillian. She's introverted, but not shy in the least. Reina is a source of calm understanding and often offers a new way to look at things. Even though she's has no combat skills, she would do anything to protect those she loves in her own way.Her Favour, granted by the God of Harvest, allows her singing to help calm plants and aid them to grow. It's a very gradual process that can take months depending on how stressed the plants are, or how big they are. Her abilities really help her business blossom.


Premise: A fledgling vampire tries to navigate life in college and her newfound vampirism

Setting: Pinehurst, a fictional sleepy college town set in modern day northwestern USA.


Birthday: January 2
Home town: Sacramento, California
Personality: Cynical, Determined, Resentful
Hobbies/Interests: Doomscrolling, Insects, Reading
Skills: Taking notes, shredding human flesh

Hazel moved away to start a new life in college to explore who she is. Embracing her gender identity will probably get her swiftly disowned, but what her family doesn't know about it yet. Living a double life of swapping to her "boysona" when her parents called was tiring enough, but of course her life has got to get more complicated.For Hazel, her first college party changed her life forever. Now she has to deal with her exams and the unquenchable bloodlust calling to her with every heartbeat.Her curse of mediocrity is finally broken as she learns that she is actually great at being a vampire. Descent follows Hazel's story as she finds her stride in her life and her attempt to become the biggest threat to humanity on the west coast.


Birthday: December 24
Home town: Pinehurst, Idaho
Personality: Boisterous, Loyal, Assertive
Hobbies/Interests: Working out, Martial arts, Pottery
Skills: Lifting, Tutoring, putting "problem" vampires in their place

Lena is a local from Pinehurst who's the teaching assistant in Hazel's Philosophy101 class. She has a talent for making her students feel like the dumbest person alive and cannot hold back laughter when she grades papers.She comes from a long line of Vampire hunters, who call themselves the Culling. All her siblings have been sent over the country to investigate and keep vampires who overhunt in check. The Culling has called her back to her hometown for her to investigate a recent spike in suspected vampiric crimes.She doesn't know that her crabby student is one of the vampires stirring havoc in Pinehurst. All she knows is that Hazel nearly flunking as needs to get her ass back into the study group Lena graciously hosts biweekly.


Birthday: Irrelevant
Home town: Long forgotten
Personality: Egotistical, Friendly, Insincere
Hobbies/Interests: Golf, Sunbathing, Partying
Skills: A way with words, sunwalking vampirism, shapeshifting

Viktor has shed all semblance of humanity a long time ago and is a socialite of a vampire. He loves to go to all types of big parties, whether it be a rager or a black tie event.Occasionally, when he sees a human who squirms around like a silly little worm, he will turn them into a vampire. He primarily targets whoever can make him laugh. He is not a kind sire, and loves to see his children act like pinned moths.Viktor is the bane of Hazel's existence. Every time he shows up she knows she's about to get mocked and toyed with. As he is her sire, Hazel cannot strike back at him. He loves wielding power and knows how to flaunt it. He knows there will no consequences for actions.


Short story, not much lore here. Classic isekai.

Maren Chironex

Sea dragon princess with a hidden nefarious side. She rescued Khadija from the sea and hopes she is the hero of legend who can help her overthrow her brother.

Khadija Habib

An anxious concert loving gal who slipped while throwing up into the toilet and finds herself in a fantasy world.


ā€œInorganic, Incorporeal, and Incomprehensibleā€